Kefir am 20. Sep. 2011 um 23:01 |  0 Kommentare | Lesezeit: 1 Minute, 11 Sekunden

Nexus Prime – Gedicht heizt Gerüchteküche an

Der Twitter-Nutzer tfleming223 hat über mehrere Tweets ein Gedicht veröffentlicht. Hierin sollen sich Informationen zum Nexus Prime finden. Das Gedicht:

While things that go bump in the night, surely give you a fright,
It’s all in good fun as I share treats and panda fun.

So Instead of filling your belly with candies, jellies and other hollows eve fare,
Perhaps your palate will cast a ballot, for an ice cream sandwich instead.

With an internal date now set and LTE a sure bet,
Those that get Tim Cook’s new pet will be filled with green eyed regret.

But wait you cry for what date can you buy?
This the panda did shall share…

Fore on the date Bruce Wayne’s true father did die;
you shall in fact be able to buy in stores of red and black.

But those who pay other masters don’t fret,
over exclusive deals and bets

For in many other favors you will get your treat
be they GSM or wimax radios inside, the nexus brand will ride world wide

But as he lays in the corner with a Beer and a boner the Panda said with a sigh…
"Be it a Droid or Nexus branded new toy, with dual cores "hd” screens, fancy new widgets and more….

The one with the keyboard is what I enjoy”

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Bewertung: 3.0/5 (4 Stimmen)

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